Home All Big Things The Big Red Elephant in Hatton Vale

The Big Red Elephant in Hatton Vale

by Luke Franklin
the big red elephant sculpture standing on a white fence on a patch of grass
The Big Red Elephant in Hatton Vale (Source: Wikipedia)

The Big Red Elephant

You will find the Big Red Elephant in Hatton Vale, Lockyer Valley Region, Queensland, Australia. The conspicuous red elephant sits outside the Jumbo Shopping Center off the Warrego highway. Although little is known about it, the sculpture is noticeable when you visit Hatton Vale since it stands proudly right off the highway.

Hatton Vale is a rural area with a population of 1,521 people. It was initially known as ‘Tarampa Woolshed’ in the 1870s, following German immigrants’ arrival from Prussia.

The giant elephant sculpture stands over a white fence and measures 6 meters tall. You can actually stand underneath it for the perfect photoshoot session. 

Australia’s obsession with Big Things is so evident in the state of Queensland. Apart from Hatton Vale’s Red Elephant, Queensland is home to iconic sculptures, such as the Big Bulls in Rockhampton, Big Cockatoo in Moosman, Big Crocodile in Wangeti, Big Dinosaur in Ballandean, among others. 

Some even have real names, such as Matilda the Kangaroo in Kybong and Banana the Bullock located in Banana. The Big Red Elephant, in particular, is located 11 minutes away from the Big Orange in Lockyer Valley. 

Most of Queensland’s Big Things are both aquatic and land animals. They symbolize Queensland’s status as home to many animal parks and sanctuaries. The Lockyer National Park Queensland, for example, presents a wide range of wildlife to watch.

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